Control your poker emotions

Pocket kings have lost again! Here's one of the many stories you've probably heard: “I was playing online and I was dealt K-K, on the flop I made a set. And in the end I lost a decent amount of chips to a player who collected a suit on the river with complete garbage in his hands. I was seething with anger, because I had few chips so the next hand I went all-in with Q-5 and lost the last chips. "

It is often said that poker results depend more on skill than luck. All good players agree with this statement and assume the likelihood that you can lose with a leading hand when your opponent hits one of the few suitable cards on the turn or river. But it is also necessary to understand that all players without exception get upset when they receive a "bad bid".

The real test of character comes after the "move." The question is whether the player will be able to pull himself together in the next few hands. Quite often, players in this situation fall into tilt, playing on the brink of insanity in order to either quickly recoup or lose all the chips. Such a strategy will not bring you luck in the long run. You might be able to double once, or twice, or even three times. But at the same time, you are taking actions that you would not take in a normal game. You’re already relying on luck more than your poker skills. This strategy will simply bankrupt you and you will not realize your goal of making money. This is the whole point.

"I was seething with anger because I had few chips left, so the next hand I went all-in and lost the last chips."

Here are some guidelines. Leave the table for a minute, wash your face with cold water, drink a glass of water, calm down and collect yourself. Make your next play decision based on poker, not wanting to punch your opponent on the other side of the monitor who just moved your nearly unbreakable hand on the river. This happens to every player, and I must admit that it will happen in the future. How you handle this will determine the size of your stack and ultimately your bankroll.

Advice: Control your emotions when you lose a hand where you had a large percentage advantage. You will be able to win more money if you make game decisions based on good poker and not on anger or other emotions. In the long run, you will only win.

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